February 2025

MW ALUMNI WITH MILITARY SERVICE - All MW alumni who have served or are now serving in the military please use the new Info Update page to fill in the new questions about your service. We have started new pages on our site to highlight all of our alumni who served our country in the military.

MW ALUMNA YOU NEED TO KNOW - A story of a MW Class '85 alumna has come into our hands and I believe you need to see this short talk given by her about her life changing events in 1994. Please take a few minutes to see and listen to Laura Larsen Lane. - Laura'sTalk

DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI NOMINATIONS - Remember to get your nominations in. December 31 is the last day for the nominations for the 2023 selection. The fourteenth annual and 2020 selections are Class '64 alumnus, Dr. Michael Krowka and Class '62 alumnus, Robert Petkus.

MW ALUMNI DISTRIBUTION- A map has been created showing where known MW alumni are located around the US. It can be found on "Alumni Info" selection above.

LEGENDs FOR SALE - We discovered boxes of extra LEGENDs and started selling them. The proceeds of the sales go to the LEGEND office budget and the budget for the new Warrior Room (R-202). Visit the LEGEND SALE.

Buy your own Engraved Brick to place in the front of the school. Check out the Brick Project to see some of the samples. Go to the Alumni Info/Things to Buy to get an order form.

All reunion committees should check in with us, MWAA, for any assistance, a copy of the current class list, as well as posting info about the reunion.


Class '63 - 60 Year Reunion

Class '68 - 55 Year Reunion

Class '73 - 50 Year Reunion

Class '78 - 45 Year Reunion

Class '83 - 40 Year Reunion

Class '88 - 35 Year Reunion

Class '93 - 30 Year Reunion

Class '98 - 25 Year Reunion

Class '03 - 20 Year Reunion

Class '13 - 10 Year Reunion

Contact Procedures

Maine West Alumni Association
Maine West High School
1755 S Wolf Rd
Des Plaines IL 60018-1994

Email: MWAA

Phone: 847-827-6176

Fax: 847-296-4916